Exercise generation and helpful materials for the Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures 📚

Dynamic Lists

Dynamic lists are a sequence of single list elements that are linked together. The list can be doubly linked or singly linked.

Elements in a doubly linked list have pointers to their predecessor and successor. In a singly linked list only the successor is saved.


The list class contains an empty element called the header which assists in navigating the list. Elements are classes containing: a single value to store and pointer(s) to their successor (and predecessor).

Adding an element to the list

When appending the element e, the current last element f of the list has its next-pointer set to e. As a result, e is the last element of the list sequence and its next-pointer points to the header (creating a cycle). e then has its prev-pointer set to f.

When prepending the element e, the current first element f (which is the successor of the header) has its prev-pointer set to e. The header has its next-pointer set to e.
e.next = f
e.prev = h

Removing an element in the list

When removing the element e, the pointers are simply removed. If e.next = f and e.prev = d, then the following steps occur:
f.next = d
d.prev = e
As a result, e cannot be accessed since no pointers pointing to e exist. e has therefore been successfully removed.