Exercise generation and helpful materials for the Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures πŸ“š

AVL Trees

AVL Trees (names after Georgy Adelson-Velsky and Evgenii Landis) are balanced binary search trees. They solve the problem of binary search trees mutating into lists:

The mutation of a BST into a list

To achieve this, the trees manage so-called balances of their sub-trees which are calculated by subtracting the right sub-tree height from the left.

An example AVL Tree with every node’s balance in red:

An AVL tree with the balance of every node noted in red

If the balance of any node reaches a threshold of 2, rebalancing in the form of rotation is in order. The kind of rotation needed is determined by the balances:

Parent balance Child Balance Rotation
2 1 right
-2 -1 left
2 -1 left-right
-2 1 right-left


Insertion into an AVL tree works just like in a BS Tree, just remember to keep track of the balances.

Example: Insert 1 into the above tree:

An unbalanced AVL tree with the balance of every node noted in red

As you can see the node with value 4 has a balance of 2 and its child node a balance of 1, thus a right-rotation is needed to satisfy the tree conditions:

Beautiful rotation arrows brought to you by MS Paint

After Rotation the balances are


Deleting a node from an AVL Tree is sometimes slightly more complicated. If the node is a leaf, you simply remove it, update balances and re-balance if necessary.

If the node is not a leaf, you switch it with its in-order predecessor (i.e. the maximum node in the left subtree), remove the node you want to remove (as it is now a leaf), update balances and re-balance if necessary.

Time Complexity:

Access Search Insertion Deletion
O(log n) O(log n) O(log n) O(log n)