Exercise generation and helpful materials for the Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures πŸ“š

Binary Heaps

Binary Heaps are a kind of priority Queue, that always take the shape of a binary tree. The tree can be complete ((n+1)/2 leafs) or the last level of the tree is incomplete, but the tree is filled from left to right.

Example of a valid Binary Heap:

Valid, incomplete Binary Heap

As you can see there is another special invariant present in the heap, the root of a (sub-)tree carries the minimal value in that tree. If this is the case the heap is called a min-heap (max-heap otherwise).

Insertion (example: 4)

When inserting a node into the heap, you have to first add it as a leaf at the first available position:

Inserting the key 4 into the heap

Afterwards, we need to make sure the invariant of the minimal value as the root is guaranteed, to do this, we compare the inserted node with its parent and swap the two if the parent is bigger (smaller in a max-heap).

Sift-Up of the inserted key

This operation of swapping the node until it is at its proper place is called siftUp() or (min/max)-heapify.

After we finished, the parent of the inserted node is either smaller, or the node is the root (the latter in this case).

Sift-Up of the inserted key

Removing the root

The point of priority Queues is that you always have a fairly simple and fast way to get to the element with the highest priority. In a Binary heap, this element is always the root node.

Removing the root is simple, you just swap it with the last leaf in the tree, delete it and then sift the new root down if the priority of one of the children is higher.


Removing the root

When removing the root out of this heap, you would

  1. Swap it with the last leaf (19)
  2. Delete 6 from its new leaf position
  3. Swap 19 with its minimal child until the invariant is re-established

Step 1 and 2 (Swap and Deletion):

Removing the root

Step 3 (Sift):

Sifting the new root down

So after the entire deleteRoot() operation we’re left with a valid binary heap again:

Valid heap after deletion


Because of how these priority queues operate and their relative efficiency, they are quite useful for things like sorting algorithms.

As you might guess, if you insert n elements into the binary heap and then remove the root n times, you can sort these elements based on their priority. This algorithm is called heapsort.

As you can extract from the table below, the insertion into a tree works in O(1) time, the deletion in O(log n). Thus the insertion and subsequent deletion of n elements (HeapSort) works in a worst-case time of O(n log n)

Time Complexity:

Search Insertion Deletion
O(n) O(1) O(log n)