Exercise generation and helpful materials for the Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures 📚


QuickSort is an efficient but unstable sorting algorithm that uses the divide and conquer principle. QuickSort depends on a pivot element that influences the efficiency greatly:

The algorithm

  1. Choose pivot element // e.g. first, middle or random element
  2. Split array into smaller arrays depending on Pivotelement
  3. recursively sort the sub-array with smaller keys
  4. recursively sort the sub-array with bigger keys

Pivot element

There are multiple strategies one can use when choosing the pivot element:

Here are the impacts bad pivot selection can have:

Best case (pivot is always the median element):

Worst case (here pivot is always the smallest element):


Best Average Worst Stability
Ω(n log(n)) Θ(n log(n)) O(n^2) no