Exercise generation and helpful materials for the Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures 📚


Mergesort is an efficient, stable and comparison-based algorithm. Like QuickSort, MergeSort is based on the divide and conquer principle.

Most MergeSort implementations are recursive and separate the input sequence with later merge-back of the sub-sequences.

The Algorithm

  1. Divide the unsorted sequence into 2 sub-sequences
  2. Repeat 1 until every sub-sequence contains only one element
  3. Merge the sequences into bigger ones while sorting them
  4. Repeat 3 until you have arrived at the initial length of the sequence


The complexity of MergeSort is pretty straight-forward as opposed to e.g. RadixSort. As you can see it is not able to break the lower bound of O(n log(n)), due to it being comparison-based.

Best Average Worst Stability
Ω(n log(n)) Θ(n log(n)) O(n log(n)) yes